Friday, February 21, 2014

More DIY From Old T-Shirts

There is an infinite number of things you can make with t-shirt strips. I recently found out that there is even such a thing as crocheting with t-shirt strips to make rugs! Although I don't think I have quite the amount of stamina or old t-shirts it takes to make a rug, I did make some smaller projects with the same material.

My sister's bowl

My coaster

In both of these projects, we braided three strips of t-shirt scraps together and then used hot glue to adhere the sides. When you begin the braid, sew or glue the ends of the three strips together. To create long lengths of strips, cut on a whole t-shirt and spiral the cut around the t-shirt. This should create a seamless length. I began by using a needle and thread on my coaster, but realized it was too tedious and didn't look as good as using hot glue. For extra help, here is a great tutorial on making coasters with t-shirt yarn.

Enjoy this DIY!


  1. Sam, You have GREAT ideas. Have you thought about leading a craft/DIY project as a lesson in your internship class?

  2. Thanks, Mrs. Weaver! It hadn't crossed my mind but that's a great idea. I will definitely consider it.
