Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

I'm the president of our school's Calculus Club, so of course when Pi Day rolled around we had to do something awesome. We had a pie walk, a pie recitation contest, and even a pie-a-teacher in the face event! What makes it even more awesome is that it benefits a special education program in our school district. Our club is going to buy math games using the profit we made from Pi Day t-shirts and raffle tickets from the pie-in-the-face event. We're even planning on going to the classroom and playing the games with them. I'm very excited!

The back of our shirts said "Would you like a slice of pi?"

Sitting at the raffle ticket booth

A pie in the face! I really appreciate all the teachers who volunteered.

Photo credit: Kathryn Fishman-Weaver

I hope your Pi Day was as delicious as mine was :)

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