Thursday, March 13, 2014

Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Okay, maybe my obsession with avocado recipes has gotten a little bit out of hand. I just can't help it--avocados in any form are just so good! But when I mention that I made a "guacamole grilled cheese sandwich" to people, their first reaction is, that sounds gross. But it sounded super delicious to me and it certainly was after I made it. I found the recipe here.

Does this look great or what? It's basically a layering of shredded cheese, spinach, tomato, more cheese, and guacamole that contains onions and tomatoes, all in one big sandwich cooked in a frying pan. It was so good that I finished it in under 5 minutes, no joke! Next time I'm going to try adding meat so it's more filling.

I also learned the merits of toasting bread with olive oil in a pan--it makes it so much more delicious than normal toaster bread!

I hope you're not tired of avocados yet, because I sure am not :)

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