Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Break in St. Louis

I just finished Spring Break, and I had the pleasure of making a four-day trip to St. Louis, Missouri. I got to go to so many great restaurants and iconic locations. The only bad thing? The weather felt like fall in St. Louis!

We went to a restaurant called Bailey's Range, where I tried my first bison burger. I didn't know such a thing existed, but I'm always up for trying new food. To my untrained taste buds, the bison burger tasted very similar to a normal beef patty. It was delicious! Bailey's Range also makes homemade milkshakes and ice cream (I got coconut crunch ice cream) and carries a whole page full of sodas that I had never seen before.

Below: "Smoke bomb" burger with bison patty

I'm also excited that I got to see Walk the Moon! They played a great outdoor concert.

An awesomely nerdy (yet not really nerdy) restaurant we went to was called Pi Pizza. Everything was decked out in Pi and the pizzas were named after areas in St. Louis. They toppings were gourmet and the combinations very unique.

A great art spot we stopped at was called Citygarden, a big garden with many beautiful sculptures. This is a wonderful tourist destination for art lovers.

I hope you get a chance to visit these cool places if you ever visit St. Louis :)

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